Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Being Fake is not Fresh!

Don’t need me to tell you that the economy is in a bad state in the United States and the world. Lately as consumers, we have to focus on what we need and others to cut down from. The other day I was talking to a friend and she said that she found tons of designer fragrances on the cheap market. Made me wonder, are the smells on the streets the real thing. 
The fake market is banking a exceeding growth of 7 million dollars. What a lot of people don’t know is a lot of fake fragrances urine, bacteria, and anti- freeze. Doctors have discovered there is a flesh disease called determinist contact that can cause the neck, face, and wrist to break out to the extreme in bumps.

How can you tell the real versus the fake?
1. Check the box texture and wrapping to see if the box was made out of a lightweight cardboard
2. The smell of the fragrance has a ruff smell so make sure you already know the smell of the one being purchase
3. Check the position of the box bar code and the spelling brand
In conclusion, fakes are effecting the economy and the problem with fakes is do we know where the money going. Harper Bazaar believes the money could be benefiting terrorism, child labor overseas, and drug traffic. Fake goods are getting better and it is not illegal to be caught with it. Understand if you buy fakes you are FAKE because the only person who really knows is you. Chances are you don’t want to catch a disease or in France be fine 750,000 Euros for having fakes. Be smart, don’t be fake!
Sources are retrieved from Harper and MSNBC

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