Wednesday, June 1, 2011

10 things I can't stand about Fashion!

Every morning till the moment I fall asleep, I come across the same stupid things we as people either can’t go without or just don’t realize what we are doing with them. I came up with a list with a few friends on things people do in their everyday lives that they consider to be hot because they peers do it or they are just a lost. Here is some of the issue we came up with:

Jeans pulled down to low
Leggings worn as pants
Timberland boots super loose and dragging
Flip flops in the winter
Gold and Platinum Grills
Butt Line shorts
Punch lines to get girls
The T-Mobile Sidekick Noise
80’s haircuts high tops, Gumbi, Mohawk
Super low rise jeans
NFL and NBA jerseys during off season
College logo gear
Using the N word and Dog
Arguing out loud in public/talking
Big White Tees
Leggings worn with shorts
Rapping their favorite hit out loud or playing it
Wearing pajamas outdoors
Chilling on the block or in public areas

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